Fabulous - keep up the good work. In case you "righties" have no idea why this matters, look up "human trafficking" - these people were lied to, transported across state lines based on these lies and used as political pawns. Children were included. This is not how we roll in the US. Please move to Iran if you like dictators and despots who ignore the law. Thanks.

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You forgot something! Telling someone you are taking them somewhere while actually taking them somewhere else without their knowledge or permission, is called "kidnapping."


Both DeSantis and Abbott are currently campaigning as "law and order candidates."

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Hate for lefties will never get you where you want to be! Just remember that!

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Hatred of brown people will never get you where you want to be. Shame on you democrats!!

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Deflection by trump terrorist party

This opinion has been identified to contain misinformation.

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Dana- Please invest in sunglasses that don’t look like they belong to your grandma…

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I don’t understand this comment. Where do you see hatred of “brown people” by democrats?

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Hatred will never get you where you want to be. Period.

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Great reporting!!!

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Great article!! Keep exposing DeathSantis and his sheep cult followers… Follow the money trail- it’ll lead right back to one of his donors each time, again and again…

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And down goes the clown with his next cronie

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And down goes the clown and his cronie

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Just a shame those democrats on Martha's Vineyard lied to the Venezuelans about being a “sanctuary” jurisdiction. They shipped them out so fast their heads spun!

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Everyone should understand that Desantis' Russian agent Press Sec Christina Pushaw, was arrested for stalking and harassment in Maryland last year.. She has been suspended from Twitter many times for this. It is a known fact, that she uses Russian troll farms to spread mis-information and dis-information on any site or media article that references DeSantis.

Pushaw must be very nervous this weekend. When a group of Immigration Attorneys announced that they are working on a lawsuit just for Desantis and Abbott. They are a special kind of kidnappers and trafficking operators in this country. Usually, it is not done as a political stunt that has gone so badly. All the Immigration attorneys have volunteered their time and expenses to make sure that the ones "responsible" see the inside of the Mass courts.

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“shipped them out”??!

You mean by taking them to a military base on Cape Cod where they will have shelter, food, and other needed resources? What would YOUR solution be? You can always pinpoint those who only consume right-wing media by the way the parrot the talking points. I challenge you to try thinking for yourself and try using less bias resources (if you dare to learn the truth). Try using some closer to the center of the media bias chart. https://www.allsides.com/sites/default/files/AllSidesMediaBiasChart-Version7.jpg

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lol It is hilarious watching you lefties lose your minds over this. You sit by idly while the Biden administration not only opens the borders but flies and busses illegals all over the country. Hopefully, DeSantis keeps this up. Martha's Vineyard can hold up to 100,000 illegals in summer home mansions. They are a "sanctuary jurisdiction" after all. Seethe more...

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These are the same tactics used by southern politicians during desegregation. They also bussed and flew black Americans all over the country to own the libs. Of course this type of stunt is on brand for the gop

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"same tactics used by southern politicians during desegregation"

Important to emphasize those politicians were DEMOCRATS. You know, the same people who just voted for a major proponent of SEGREGATION, Joe Biden. 👇🏻

"Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626

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Might try ACtUAL history: It was racist CONSERVATIVES who were against segregation then and it is racist CONSERVATIVES who are against minorities NOW. (suggesting you look at the political flipping of the DEM/GOP with the "Southern Strategy" due to the Civil Rights movement, I presume would be a waste of time with you). I'll make it simple, so even YOU would understand: LINCOLN WAS A LIBERAL. It just so happened that the NEW party in which he was affiliated was then the more LIBERAL of party's. (What am I doing, wasting my time on you? Might as well give medicine to the dead)

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I like that "giving medicine to the dead" bit. lol

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I will add that George Floyd was killed in a city long run by democrats. Honest democrats are on record admitting their "systemic racism."

We believe you!

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You don't sound like a very educated person.

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p.s. it is hilarious to watch you democrat liars claim there was a "BIG SWITCH" 😂 when you just voted for a leading proponent of segregation, JOE BIDEN! 😂

"BIG SWITCH," my Texas ass.. 🙄

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It's history, Dana. I somehow feel it's useless to ask that you read a book?

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It is only "history" in the fevered imaginations of unrepentant racist democrats.

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Ahhhh, Texas….that explains it!

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You're right. Texas is chock full of asses.

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It was DEMOCRATS, friend. Don't blame Republicans for your race crimes.

People who are sincerely remorseful don't blame their sins on others... You need to repent, bud.

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Let's break it down to more simple terms for Miss Butthead Barbie. Instead of thinking Democrats or Republicans, which are just interchangeable terms, let's go with "conservatives" and "liberals." Lincoln was a liberal. You are a conservative. One, liberal, believes in change because you don't progress without change. The other, conservative, believes in keeping the status quo, which results stagnation. Just like a pond that does not get infused with fresh water, a society that is not infused with fresh ideas will stagnate. One reason the USSR fell is because they were held in a tight grip by conservatives. As a result, that society stagnated, the people got angry about never being able to improve their lives, and that society fell. I'm no historian, but I'd be willing to bet that's the same story for every empire that has fallen in history.

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Yes they were Dana. Amazing how little of history you actually know and instead choose to cherry pick it at that. Given that the standards of the then Democrats and then Republican's are currently completely reversed, kudos.

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When she said MV and Mass was a sanctuary you know she repeats what she is told. They are not. There are 8 cities that are actually sanctuary cities ib a Repuglicon state. That is how utterly stupid she is.

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So sad to see this. You all should be so ashamed... tsk, tsk...

"Joe Biden didn't just compromise with segregationists. He fought for their cause in schools, experts say." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/joe-biden-didn-t-just-compromise-segregationists-he-fought-their-n1021626

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Sadly, the racist democrats have not "reversed" anything as evidenced by:

1. their recent support of segregationist Joe Biden

2. the killing of George Floyd in a racist blue city

3. democrats open admission of "systemic racism"

4. lying to immigrants about being "sanctuary cities" - Martha's Vineyard put all the brown people on a bus and quickly spirited them out of town - unbelievable!

So, not sure why you think anything has been "reversed." As we can see the democrats are just as racist today as when they were lynching blacks. SO SAD...

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1. In what way? Please elaborate and provide credible sources for your assertion. CREDIBLE. Not Fox Fake-News -- after all, they proved in court they are, literally, fake news -- or some right wingnut site. Reuter's perhaps? AP? Even some foreign sources are far more accurate than our propaganda we have here now. So credible sources, Margarine.

2. Killing of George Floyd by racist, red cops. Do you honestly think that because a city is blue it only has Democrats in it? Why am I asking. Of course you do. You're Bimbo Barbie. Bet you aspire to be as dumb as Margarine Traitor Greed.

3. Never heard that one. It's Republicans that freak out about a teacher teaching kids about slavery and racism. You ban the books that don't agree with your narrow little mindset. But, again, if you can provide CREDIBLE sources that prove your point, I'm sure most of us will read it and consider. Well? We're waiting, Draino.

4. HAHAHAHAHA!!! This one is the funniest of all! Democrats aren't the ones who lied about MV being a sanctuary city! DeSatan and the Republicans are!!! No Democrat said, "Go to Martha's Vineyard! It's a sanctuary city!" But the Republicans sure as hell did. Martha's Vineyard told them they didn't know why the idiot Republicans sent them there because they had no facilities. But they then said, "Well, come on in, let's get you settled for the night. We'll bring some food and drink and find you someplace to sleep tonight and take you to a FEDERALLY DESIGNATED EMERGENCY FACILITY tomorrow." Stop watching Fox and reading conspiracy theory crap. Try to give that one brain cell some actual exercise before it, too, burns out completely. But do it soon. It's smoking already.

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Oh Dana, your so ugly, sadly your beauty is only skin deep and your intelligence even less so.

Who told them that Martha's Vineyard was a Sanctuary City? Oh right, Ron DeSantis.

Who actively practices those racism that your whining about? Oh yeah, Trump's at the top of that list, along with his illegal immigrant wife #3. That's also fact. She married to secure her US Citizenship.

Oh yeah, and now how many have been killed in 'red cities'? Oh yes, which party voted against a national anti-lynching laws?

Shall I go on Miss Brain Dead?

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ok beta male: "Martha’s Vineyard has styled itself as a “sanctuary destination” that welcomes migrants — a position it took early in former President Donald Trump’s administration." https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/florida-flies-migrants-to-sanctuary-destination-of-marthas-vineyard


And don't ask me about racism, democrats openly admit their systemic racism. They will tell you right out. I believe them, especially since you racists just voted for a segregationist. So sad and tragic.

And then the racist democrats on Martha's Vineyard quickly bused the brown people out of their town. YIKES!

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Lest we forget it was DEMOCRATS, party of the KLAN, the most racist political party in the history of the US, who shipped blacks up north because they hate black people. Thanks for reminding us of that since that is exactly what the white democrats just did in Martha's Vineyard this week.

In contrast these Republican governors are shipping volunteers to SANCTUARY CITIES where they have been *invited*. Washington DC, Chicago, New York and Martha's Vineyard are sanctuary cities where they invite illegals.

Sadly, the white racists on Martha's Vineyard [90% white] put the brown people on buses and quickly shipped them to another town. Looks like nothing has changed since democrats shipped blacks up north. 🤨

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Wow. Nobody is actually HOME in that skull are they?

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The truth hurts apparently...

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Yeah. Your widdle feelings are apparently hurt because we're actually pointing out how dumb you are. Still hate political correctness?

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DeSantis kidnapped those people. It will be fun to watch him go to prison.

You, though, are a complete moron.

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Your brain was "kidnapped." 😂

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You are a disease.

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sure, Karen. #fakechristian #evil

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Big word for you. Presume you've only ever heard liberals use it.....about YOU.

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Sounds like I hit a trigger... 😄

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No. That was your boyfriend last night. That trigger just keeps on going off too fast, doesn't it? I hear it's a typical ailment of Republican morons.

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We laugh because you keep getting deeper into the abyss. Hope you have someone that cares enough about you to have a mental evaluation.

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Oh look! She learned a new word! Now look at everything the Repugnants have said and done for the last, oh, decade, and maybe you will actually understand what it means.

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We're the ones having the big laugh; The adults shaking their heads at the tantrum toddlers while they beat their heads into the ground presuming they somehow "GOT" them... *eye roll*.....Having familiarity with cults, am aware that reality & facts have NO meaning for you, so merely suggest you get back on your meds and with all that evident hate bubbling up from you in your rabid spittle, that it reaps what you have most assuredly sown.

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The left is not laughing, they are losing their minds. And it is hysterical to watch these phonies pretend like they care about the brown illegals while they quickly bus them out of town.

"Sanctuary city" indeedy! 😂 #FAKE

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Typical #MAGAMORON, too stupid to be able to read about what actually happened or to understand what a "sanctuary city" actually is. As Trump said, "I love the poorly educated." I suggest you keep working towards that GED so you can improve your reading comprehension.

And please, keep "owning the libs" like this, it just disgusts normal people and ensures your kind of #TraitorTrumpTrash will never win another national election again. :-)

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Bimbo Barbie can't get a GED. That last brain cell is very resistant to learning.

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She is disgusting. This is why they should have a test to vote and be neutered, so whatever it has cannot be spread. It is a disease with the trump terrorists.

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We think it's pathetic how you righties are still losing your minds over losing an election 2 years ago and about a laptop that may or may not be Hunter Biden's. Clean your own yard first, dearie.

I am getting tired of explaining reality to righties all the time, though, but here we go. First of all, these weren't illegals. They'd been legally processed. Do you understand the difference? Secondly, what we're "losing our minds" over is how much the rightie politicians are blatantly breaking the laws of not only our nation, but of their own states. The crux, really, is the misrepresentations, deceit, and out and out lies these people were told about where they're going. Maybe Biden does fly them around. They are told where they're going and not just dumped in the middle of some island that has no facilities for them.

But I've just had to come to terms that we have a nation filled with deceitful, hateful, bitter, criminal-minded, close-minded people who lack any sense of basic human decency that go by the name Republicans. If you consider yourself a christian, you might ought to check which "god" you're following. According to christian tenant, Jesus is the son of the God of Love and Compassion. Satan is the God of deceit, lies, hatred, and sadism. Are you sure you're following the one you say you are? I think not.

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This country has to come to terms that the Repuglicon party is dead. With what trump has perpetrated and the balance of the "leaders" of the party, plus their minions, there are more than half left of the original GOP. The crazies, have split the party with Never Trumpers (thank gxd, the original ,real, normal GOP, that will vote with the Dems to get rid of loony tunes such as Dana the Demented) and the crazies....Some may be tethering on the rope but when it comes down to it, they will either for for a Dem or not vote at all. I speak with Never Trumpers everyday. The biggest reason they will vote against trump is the lies, the crime, rhetoric, and they see the cult within the party. . The second reason the crazies. They do not want to be associated with these ppl or things as most, never trumpers call them..

I am worried about the future. Not for the Dems, but the system. After 45 years in politics, 40 as a GQP, I see a one party rule, Dems, within the next few years. It was Pew who said that the Repuglicons will be an obsolete party in 2030 if they do not change their agenda and ideology. Well, they sure as hell did that. There ideology was buried this year and they now state outright, "we have no agenda"-McConnell. Everyone needs to vote. Like Biden always says vote"like we are 20 points behind, we have to vote." We have 35 million new voters this year.

Republicans Independents Democrats

2022 Aug 1-23 24% 43% 30%.

Crazy to think that both parties were at 31% on Election Day 2020. The latest independent leans Dems 48%.

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Biden does fly some immigrants to different parts of the country. When they pledge they have sponsors in different states. Sometimes there are single young children that DHS holds until, a relative claims them. They are sent to where they have to go. There are not cases of ppl like Desantis and Abbott are doing.

I'm thrilled that MA attorneys are leveling into this, as we are in FL. If Mass sues it will be in MA. Desantis, like trump has appointed every judge in 2 years on the FL appeals court. He has appoint 6 out of 7 on the FL Supreme, and 62 on District courts. Trump showed us how 9 out of 10 of his judges were not qualified by the ABA to be a judge.

There were 2 "judges " federally appointed that had never had a case before a court. Not one single case had they ever tried...Had never been in a courtroom except play court in law school. One worked as a paralegal for 5 years, after law school.

I cannot believe how incompetent these jerks were that they would do this to the judicial system. But we see how it helped them. It will change next year when the Dems get a super majority in the Senate...Get out and Vote and make sure its BLUE!

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Look again honey. You listened and did exactly what the con men wanted you to. Mass is not a sanctuary state. There are 8 sanctuary cities. And guess what, Martha's Vineyard ain't one off them..

But you continue to be the fool that the repuglicons knew you would be...Bravo for repeating their words. Next time use the Google machine to verify instead of being an idiot repiguglicon liar. But I'm sure they are sitting back laughing that you think you helped them....I know we Dems are..lol

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Amazing Dana is how you ignore the rule of law. Oh that's right, if you are a Republican, you get a free pass to ignore the law, is that it? Wonder how long before Abbot and DeSantis are on the other side of the bars.

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Wishful thinking of batshit crazy lunatics is not truth, bud...

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Really? Let's examine the flaws of your argument one by one.

1) Illegal Border crossing is a Federal Law issue.

2) Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are STATE GOVERNORS

3) Federal Law, per DHS, requires valid ID's for *ALL PASSENGERS* on a plane to be presented and verified.

4) Forged paperwork was provided listing non-legitimate addresses of residence

5) Multiple State Borders were involved.

Time to face the facts, both governors and all those who took part in it, are guilty of multiple federal and state law violations. Whether their home states do anything, that's up to the local authorities. Now Federal Law.... they're screwed on.

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OH DEAR, Joe Biden is in terrible trouble for shipping thousands of immigrants around the country in the dead of night without ID's for months!

I guess we should start picking out his prison uniform, huh? 😂

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You are not going to have a problem when Biden decides to leave office, he takes a few hundred Classified and top secret documents home to Delaware are you?

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And, according to trump's, nixon's, and present republican assertions, the President can do anything he wants. He can't break the law. So, no matter what President Joe does, it's good and legal according to Repub logic. Hung by your own petard.

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Also, why do you think we care of Biden goes to jail? If he actually did break the law, yeah, he should go. You see, Bimbo, we don't worship our politicians as though they are gods like Republicans do. Perhaps you would find North Korea more to your liking. They are convinced Kim Jong-Un is a god just like you people think trumpy and DeSatan is. Bless your little hearts.

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What level of authority does Joe Biden have that Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott do not have? You are proving all of the jokes, tasteless as they are, about blondes are accurate dear. Is he a State Governor? Or is he the President of the United States?

How about we pick out yours?

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No crimes were committed, beta male... 😄 Jonathan Turley, Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University:

"While these objections risk proving the intended political point of the trips, they do not prove a crime."


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Thank you but most ppl know this. The problem is always the fringe trumpers. They are lied to on a daily basis and do not have the need like most do to search for the truth. They don't do it because it's hurts their senses. What trump or the other liars tell them are what they want to hear. Facts make no difference to them. They read a story about trump stealing classified docs, he says no I didn't, they believe him. Why do we have all the lawsuits, because he didn't do anything? One of the biggest factors, they have no critical thinking skills. If they did, they would not be in a cult.

Watch the video of last night in Ohio. If anyones tethering on the edge that this is not a cult, you will not be when you watch Hitler 2.0 performing last night. When you do watch just remember these are all adults. It is that scary...

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Probably. But I will admit, she's a pretty good troll. At least I'm hoping she's one. If she's really just that stupid we're in more trouble than I thought.

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