And does this mean there will be charges by the law for running illegal surveillance?

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That remains an open possibility.

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…hahahahahahaha are you fucking serious ?! …our country as dumb as bag of fucking hammers !


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16 hrs agoLiked by Grant Stern

Holy sh*t

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Okay then.... this is slightly* worrisome. Not that I don't believe this could happen, rather I can REALLY believe this has been happening.

My head hurts now😠😡

Will we EVER be free from that odious 🍊💩 gibbon and his minions?? E. T. T. D.

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The reason he doesn’t keep company with wholesome, untouchables is because he cannot blackmail them.

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I've been keeping a Maltego graph of MAGA world since this time in 2020. I'd start with reading on Phil Waldron, then pull threads from there. This is really two separate issues, too. The laptop is one sort of thing, the surveillance quite another.

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Sadly, this doesn’t surprise me, in fact Trump has operated this way his entire life. Everything Trump, hide, lie, project. Everyone else, including his colleagues, get as much dirt on them, any way possible to bend them to my will. Anything for “Orange Jesus”

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…democrats seems fine with it, probably they know something we don’t… or maybe THEY ARE USELESS FUCKING IDIOTS who making the series of the same mistakes Germany made in 1920s, it took Hitler over a decade to grab power, this country is SO FUCKING STUPID !!!


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Serghiy, I believe the best course of action here is to identify the culprits, eliminate the bad behavior and shore up the country. Your criticism of all democrats is only harming the cause.

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…you’re really pathetic, no wonder we in a deep shit

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…HUH ?! …so i have to shut up because “i’m harming the cause”?! you just another politically impaired american, denial inevitably becomes delusion, any comment on this, or you do not read what doesn’t suits you just like MAGA ? …because THEY ARE NOT GOING ANYWHERE no matter if you “talk about it” or not


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What a bunch of criminals!

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I am OK with whistleblowers. I just wish they would come forward sooner. It always feels as if it's just a little bit too late, you know?

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Of course he did

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I think Serghiy may be a Russian troll. If you read his posts aloud you can hear the cadence and word placement is not how American English sounds. J/ S

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So Chinese tech? Payed him 9 mil to use their tech to do this? Does ted cruz know? Did he make it happen in Cancun? Lol

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“imprisoned Steve Bannon”


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